- Ichimoku cloud technical chart indicator
The last piece of Ichimoku . Considered just a market, ichimoku cloud is calculated using the latest closing price and is built 26 times after the price action.
This feature raises market sentiment by showing current trends as it relates to current price pressures.
The explanation is simple: as retailers dominate the market, ichimpku cloud indicator time will move below the price level while the opposite happens on the buy side.
- data anaysis
When a couple stays in the market or is bought, time will go up and down in price.
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The Ichimoku Cloud Trading Strategy strategy includes calculating a set of estimates and comparing them with the current market price to identify trading signals. The display is a bit complicated because it includes a lot of dimensions.
- Accurecy indicator Ichimoku cloud.
expert indicator 80% accurecy performs the required calculations according to Ichimoku Cloud.
Power of Price Action
Power can be measured using the difference between the Leading Span A and B lines. When Leading Span A grows and exceeds another line of space, the increase in variance means power in the uptrend.
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It also means that the Ichimoku cloud is growing. Similarly, the growth of Leading span B above another line of space means downtrend strength and the size of the Ichimoku cloud increases and albeit differently.
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